Protecting Dual Counties Since 1802
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This Day in Carlisle History
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
In Janurary of 1921, leaders from various fire companies around the State convened a meeting at the Carlisle Firehouse in Milford to discuss establishing an organization for the purpose of serving the Volunteer Fire Service throuhout Delaware. At the meeting those on attendance authorized Carlisle to begin developing the necessary steps to formimg just such a State Association. Letters were dispatched to all fire companies throughout the State to send two representatives to a meeting at the Carlisle Firehouse on February 24,1921.
The response to the purposed meeting, resulted in nine Fire Companies sending the following delegates, from the Robbins Hose Co. of Dover; Alonzo W. Clifton & Samuel H. Carson, from the Harrington Fire Co.; James Harmisted & Warren T. Moore, from the Lewes Fire Dept; F.W. Williams & T.R. Duffel, from the Milton Fire Dept; Samuel Fithian & R.B, Banning, from the Carlisle Fire Company of Milford; James P. Pearce, R.E.Pettyjohn, Charles E. Varney & C.B.Holzmuller, from the Georgetown Fire Co.; Joseph G. Green & Thomas V. Pepper, from the Laurel Fire Dept.; M.T.Calloway & W.T. Bennett, from the Volunteer Hose Co.; W.R.Gary & Edward S. Jones and the final Fire Company that attended the Citizen Hose Co of Smyrna; Harry Collins & John D. Morris.
Carlisle representative Charles E. Varney was appointed temporaryChairman and called the meeting to order. The following resolution was adopted: "Be it resolved, that we, the delegates of the Volunteer Fire Companies in the State of Delaware, in conventionassembled in order to form a more perfect organization,establish harmony, insure prosperiity and success, obtain and compile statisitics concerning the practical working of various apparatus, cultivate fraternal fellowship among the companies and promote the best interest of the Volunteer Firemen of Delaware, do hereby form an organization to be known as the "Delaware State Volunteer Firemen's Association". Officers of the newly founded Association were elected as well as by-laws adopted. Carlisle's Charles E. Varney was elected President of the Association, a position he held for three years from 1921-1923 and where the Carlisle Fire Co. of Milford became the Birth Place of the Delaware Vounteer Firemen's Association and known today as The Delaware Volunteer Firefighters Association.