Protecting Dual Counties Since 1802
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Carlisle Monthly Membership Meeting
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Carlisle Monthly Membership Meeting
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This Day in Carlisle History
Monday, February 15, 2021
On this date in 1892, the Charter Members recognized following the February 12th meetimg met at the Central Hotel and effected a temporary organization. Theodore Townsend moved that W.T. Watson be temporary Chairman which was unanimously approved.
Frank Reedy moved that Theodore Townsend be temporary chairman which also unanimously passed. Charles Tuthill moved that a committee of three be appointed by the chair to employ an attorney and secure the charter. Those in attendance agreed and appointed William F. Causey, Theodore Townsend and George W. Marshall.
Followed up, George W. Marshall moved that a committee of five be appointed to suggest and report a " Form of Constitution" and by-laws and a temporary chairman shall be one of this committee. The motion was approved and the Chair appointed; W.T. Watson, George H. Hall, Walter Pardee, Capt. J.A. Hall and Charles Tuthill.
George W. Marshall moved that six temporary fire directors br appointed to work the hose and teach other members how to connect and disconnect with both hose and fire plugs. The motion was approved and the Chairman appointed the following members who were, S.N.Gray, W.E.Lank, George Little, Frank Reedy, W.N. Dorsey and Frank Kramlich.
George H. Marshall motioned that the members meet at Reis's Cannery at 1:00 pm on the 16th. for the purpose of taking the "fire apparatus to the new quarters provided by the town. The motion passed and the meeting then adjourned to meet at 8:00 pm on the 18th.