Protecting Dual Counties Since 1802
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This Day in Carlisle History
Friday, February 12, 2021
On this date in 1892, a public meetimg was held in Reedy's Hall that was reported to be fairly attended' but those who was there were "representative citizens" according to the article from The Milford Chronicle reporting the meeting. The Committee of the 5 men appointed from the previous meeting that was held on February 9th, presented their report that recommended twenty names should constitute the "Charter Members" and that the following list be adopted. Understand that Milford stradles Kent County (North) and Sussex County (South) boarders that phyiscally separates the town created from the Mispillion River. That said the names recommended is listed indentifying North Milford and South Milford.
North(Milford); Theodore Townsend. Joseph Rogers. Charles Tuthill. W.N. Dorsey, W.T.Watson, W.T. Welch, Walter Pardee, F.H. Kramlich, Frank Reedy and G.W. Marshall.
South (Milford); S.N. Gray, George Little, W.E. Lank, George F. Pierce, William F. Causey, W.E. Deputy, James T. Smith, Capt. J. A. Hall and George H. Hall.
It was further recommended that the former Hook and Ladder organization be disbanded and as many of it's former members as possible with it's paraphernalia be incorperated into the " Milford Fire Department". The committee's report was adopted and a vote of thanks was given to the Hook and Ladder Company for it's services in the past.
General discussion followed and several recommendations was presented with the most important being that the Town Council pay for securing an "Act of Incorporation" of the new Fire Company was unanimously adopted.