Protecting Dual Counties Since 1802
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This Date in Carlisle History
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
On this date at approximately 20:00 hours Carlisle was alerted to a working house fire in the 300 block of North Street. Upon the arrival of the first engine reports from on lookers reported subjects trapped on the second floor of the duplex. Heavy fire was showing from the street side of the dwelling and heavy smoke on the apartment above. Firefighters Glenn Gillespie and Jerry Guyer entered the front door of the dwelling and met with heavy fire conditions. a search team was deployed to the second floor consisting of firefighters Tom Collins, Steve Ellingsworth and Richard Gilewski and began looking for the trapped tenants.
Meanwhile the first floor hose team continued extinguishing the fire when FF Gillespie found the first victim and notified Chief Jim Bailey Jr. the discovery. While continuing the search on the second floor FF Tom Collins breathing hose detached from his face piece under heavy smoke conditions. FF Ellingsworth & Gilewski immediately went to the aid of Collins. escorting him out of the structure. Following the first fire victim Gillespie & Guyer advanced deeper into the dwelling where conditions were becoming severely compromised only to locate three more victims on the first floor. While Gillespie was assessing the victims he immediately identified a male barely alive and notified the Fire Chief one of the 4 victims had survived. Past Chief Les Armour made access and assisted Gillespie with removing the victim to awaiting EMS personal on the street.
later that same year during the Annual Delaware Volunteer Firefighters Association Conference, the Delaware State Fire Chiefs Awarded Firefighters Ellingsworth and Gilewski Heroic Firefighters for successfully assisting Firefightet Collins from the second floor. Past Chief Armour and Firefighter Gillespie also received Heroic Firefighters of the year for the successful citizen save of the victim on the first floor.